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Supplied without
B Trolley with
100 accessories
wesco design
+ 3 years PSYCHOMOTOR TROLLEY This sturdy trolley is extremely practical for storing hoops, sticks, clubs, etc. L: 80 cm - W: 55 cm - H: 80 cm. Made from WOOD.
Without accessories 00 776 each 101 items (1 trolley, 12 feet: 6 left and 6 right, 12 hands: 6 left and 6 right,
12 ABS sticks L: 1m, 4 clubs L: 35cm, 4 Colours weighted bags, 12 stick clips, 12 hoop clips, 2 ribbons L: 4m, 10 hoops Ø 60cm, 10 hoops Ø 50cm, 10 hoops
Ø 35cm).
With accessories 54 751 set
+ 3 years+ 3 years WARM-UP EXERCISE KIT Consists of: 12 Ø 50 cm hoops, 50 small space markers H: 5.5 cm, 1 stopwatch, 12 batons L: 130 cm Ø 2.5 cm, 18 perforated cones H: 32 cm and 1 single pace training ladder L: 4 m - W: 47 cm.
MULTI-SPORT ESSENTIALS KIT Consists of: 12 Ø 50 cm hoops, 6 flexible cones H: 16 cm, 50 small space markers H: 5.5 cm, 1 single pace training ladder, 6 perforated cones H: 32 cm 3 poles L: 100 cm Ø 2.5 cm (orange, red and yellow).
setset54 977 54 976