The Snoezelen education method: a focus on well-being. It s about creating an atmosphere using materials, textures, colours, smells, sounds, like an invitation to go on a sensory journey. This approach allows the child to play a key role in their development while moving at their own pace; children with disabilities to integrate; relationships to be built on empathy; each child to be listened to as an individual; questions to be asked based on perceptions and areas of interest without imposing them on the child; and sensory skills to be mobilised in complete safety.
Nathalie Casso-Vicarini, Delegate General of the French association Ensemble
pour l'Education de la Petite Enfance .
Covered in comfortable, resistant and ultra-safe vinyl fabric for intensive use and easy cleaning.
High density foam (24 Kg/m³) will not sag over time and does not pose an injury risk to children.
each From 3 A B C D E F G
BABY WALL MATS 96 x 48 cm - D: 5 cm. 33 486 BABY WALL MAT With mirrors L: 96 cm - W: 48 cm - th: 5 cm. 33 554 LOW CORNER CHAIR W: 45 cm - H: 37.5 cm - D: 40 cm. Seat: H: 17 cm - D: 24 cm. 54 187 QUADRANT POUFFE W: 40 cm - H: 17 cm. 54 181 BASE FOR LIGHT TUBE Side 48 cm - H: 25 cm. 56 731 CUSHION 7 cm Ø 35cm - H: 7cm. 00 864 SMALL SQUARE CUSHION W: 30 cm - H: 17 cm - D: 27 cm. 54 178
From 4
Mosaic mats 96 x 48 cm 26 781 Mosaic CONTAINER L: 48 cm - W: 48 cm - H: 24 cm. 39 567
J WHITE/IVORY (212)Sensory Baby TILE Side: 48 cm - th: 1.5 cm. 62 481
Sleeping area: L: 126 cm.
each From 4
CONVERTIBLE CHAIR Folded: L: 48 cm - W: 60 cm - H: 49 cm. Unfolded: L: 144 cm - W: 60 cm - H: 32 cm. Sleeping area: L: 126 cm. 27 106
Kia SEAT L: 46 cm - W: 37 cm - H: 47 cm. 54 872 ARMCHAIR L: 57.5 cm - W: 45 cm - H: 55 cm. 20 021 LOW STRAIGHT CHAIR W: 30 cm - H: 37.5 cm - D: 40 cm. Seat: H: 17 cm - D: 24 cm. 54 184
Find our entire 25 cm and 32 cm height vinyl fabric range on p. 64
Colour WHITE (001)