Street Soccer FOOTBALL
Stitched Air Mattress Pro FOOTBALL
Introduction and training Training and competition Training and competition
Absorbent covering provides better control Stitched panels
Very strong and accurate Club edition
Ultra-resistant Perfect for use on asphalt or rough
surfaces Good grip
Specially for playgrounds
Soft coating ensures minimal noise Does not mark floors
Non bouncy Optimum safety
Size 3 Size 3 Size 3 Choice of colours YELLOW (014)
- ORANGE (007) - RED (011) - PURPLE (034) - BLUE (002) - GREEN (008)
Colour YELLOW (014) Colour BLUE (002)
47 979 each 47 985 each 47 982 each eachFrom 3
each From 3each From 3 From 6 each each From 6each From 6 From 12 each
From 12 eacheachFrom 12 Size 5
ASSORTMENT of 6 colours. Choice of colours YELLOW (014) - ORANGE (007) - RED (011) -
PURPLE (034) - BLUE (002) - GREEN (008) 48 048
Size 5 Size 4 47 981 eachColour YELLOW (014)
From 3 eachColour BLUE (002) 47 986 each From 6 each
56 422 each From 3 each From 12 each eachFrom 3 From 6 each eachFrom 6 From 12 each ASSORTMENT of 6 colours.
48 051 eachFrom 12
Size 5 Choice of colours YELLOW (014)
- ORANGE (007) - RED (011) - PURPLE (034) - BLUE (002) - GREEN (008) Practical and economical kits.
47 983 each From 3 each From 6 each
eachFrom 12
ASSORTMENT of 6 colours. 48 049
Beginners football KIT Consists of: 12 bibs in breathable fabric (6 yellow and 6 red), 6 Junior S4 footballs and 1 storage bag. Bag: Ø 45 - H: 75 cm - Bibs: Size M.
Football training KIT Consists of: 12 double-sided reversible bibs (6 blue/green and 6 pink/red), 6 stitched Air Mattress pro S5 footballs and 1 storage bag. Bag: Ø 45 cm H: 75 cm - Bibs: Size M.
Without goals 51 778 set With 2 goals 52 994 set
Without goals 48 251 set With 2 goals 52 990 set
All of our products need to be used under adult supervision.
20 %In bulk, you can save up to THE EXPERT choice!