Figurines and Accessories
+ 3 years + 3 years + 3 years Tango family Folk family Funk family H: 2.5 to 13 cm. H: 2.5 to 13 cm. H: 2.5 to 13 cm.
12 192 pack of 8 12 193 pack of 8 12 194 pack of 8
+ 3 years+ 3 years+ 3 years PROFESSIONSBlues family DISABILITIES
H: 13 cm. H: 13 cm.H: 2.5 to 13 cm. 12 184 pack of 11 12 188 pack of 6 12 195 pack of 8
Flexible arms and
+ 3 years + 3 years Mambo family Boogie family+ 3 years
W: 6.5 cm - H: 9.5 cm to 11 cm. W: 6.5 cm - H: 9.5 cm to 11 cm.FAMILIES OF THE WORLD FIGURINES MAXI PACK 60 938 pack of 6 60 936 pack of 6 12 196 pack of 32
New + 3 years + 3 years
+ 3 yearsThe family WOODEN FIGURINES Jive family FLEXIBLE FIGURINES MAXI PACKDad: H: 11.5 cm. W: 6.5 cm - H: 9.5 cm to 11 cm.
63 967 pack of 18 60 937 pack of 6 65 458 pack of 4
Warning ! Must not be used by children under 36 months, small
parts, risk of suffocation.